Tuesday, July 17, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different

Tonight, I made something vaguely like aloo gobi for dinner.  I didn't look at a recipe or anything, just kind of threw it together from memory.  Things were going along swimmingly until, when I went to shake in a little turmeric, the little plastic sprinkle top fell off, allowing roughly 1/2 ton of ground turmeric to plummet into my pot.  uh...okay.

I scooped out as much as I could, then tried to add enough cumin, mustard seed, ginger and coriander to make it taste like...well...something palatable, anyway.

Then, I got distracted by the fact that, on my Pinterest recipes board, a picture of couscous had been replaced by a picture of Billie Joe Armstrong.  Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against pictures of Billie Joe Armstrong.  He's a nice enough looking guy.  He does not, however, in any way resemble couscous...at least, not in any way that I can think of...hmmm...nope.  I do sometimes listen to Green Day whilst I cook ~ sometimes even when I am cooking couscous.  Still, I think it's a bit of a stretch from couscous to Billie Joe Armstrong.  If I was playing that game, in which one attempts to connect one person to another in six associations or fewer (we always called it 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, for obvious reasons), and I was supposed to connect couscous to Billie Joe Armstrong, I might just fail.  Well...I suppose he's probably eaten it.  Most people have, haven't they?

Oh.  Sorry.  Did I digress?  (that is such a surprise!  Why just yesterday, I was saying to my friend...ooooooh!!!  Sparkly things!!....)



I got distracted.  By the whole weird Pinterest/Billie Joe Armstrong/Couscous thing, and I let my dinner cook too long.  So it was kind of mushy.

In the end, it tasted a lot like the aloo gobi we get from our local Indian Take-Out.  Assuming I get stuck in traffic on the way to pick it up, and it sits in a paper bag on the shelf for an extra 15 minutes or so.  If only it had been colder and greasier, it would have been spot on.

I decided to share this exceedingly weird cooking experience this evening because I thought, you know, maybe other cooks need a little encouragement sometimes.  I think it's nice to hear that things don;t always go the way you plan.  Sometimes, the entire jar of turmeric falls into your aloo gobi, your couscous turns into Billie Joe Armstrong and you overcook everything.  Eh, big deal.  Try again next time.  I mean, you're bound to have to eat again, right?  So, I headed over here to GENH to share my story...and was met with a lovely photo of my friend, Gordon Iversen.  Huh??

Well, It's been a fun evening, kids.  Shane thinks the problem is with Google Chrome, not my computer or my accounts, so that's good.  Often, I leave you with a picture of whatever dish I have prepared.  Today, just for kicks, I thought I would add this lovely picture of couscous:

                            (He looks worried.  Under the circumstances, I understand.)

Maybe, for tomorrow's dinner, I should refer to a recipe.  Perhaps that one on my Pinterest board, for Billie Joe Armstrong.  Oh, wait...that's not right.  Damnit.  I am going to have to get that fixed, or terrible things could happen to my dinner...or Billie Joe Armstrong.

EDIT: I want to add that I have the utmost respect for Billie Joe Armstrong.  He is exceedingly talented, and bears no resemblance whatsoever to couscous.  It might be interesting to note that I accomplished all of the above while clad in my "Green Day/Kiss Me, I'm Punk" t-shirt, which I wore today because I could not find my Flogging Molly t-shirt.  This begs the question: If I had found the other shirt, would I be cooking Dave King?  It boggles the mind.

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