Sunday, September 11, 2011

(Vegetarian) Hamburger Pie

Hamburger Pie.

It's a recipe my mom used to make when I was growing up. It was always one of my favourites, and my dad's, too. I remember Mom once telling me that she'd never met a man who didn't love it. So, once, many years ago, I decided to make it for Shane (substituting veggie burger crumbles for the usual ground beef, of course). As far as I can tell, my mother was right (as usual...funny how we never figure that out until we're grown, isn't it?). Shane loved it. Luckily, so do the kids (well, two of them. The little one eats the potatoes, veggie burger, green beans and corn all separately, so it works out okay ~ I just leave a little bit of each ingredient aside for her). For me, it is the ultimate comfort food. There's the burger, the potatoes, green beans, corn, tomato soup...mmm-mmmm! It's quick and easy to make, doesn't dirty a lot of pans, makes everyone happy...What's not to love?

So, here ya go. This is a simple one.

Start by making some mashed potatoes. That is, unless you already have mashed potatoes left over, in which case, you'd might as well use those. You can make homemade mashed potatoes or instant, whichever you prefer. Make them the way you usually do, because that's the way you like them, right? My family won't eat instant potatoes. I tried once. They all looked at me like I was crazy. Funny. I remember loving instant mashed potatoes as a kid.

Next, in a large cast iron skillet (or stovetop to oven casserole...or a skillet, then later transfer to a baking dish...but we have always used the cast iron skillet, just like Mom does), heat a little olive oil. Get the skillet good and hot over medium-low heat first, then put in your oil ~ just enough to coat the bottom of the pan a little. Let it heat for a few moments. Add one package of veggie burger crumbles, your choice. Sprinkle in a few dashes of ground black pepper and a little onion powder. Brown the burger, then add one can of cut green beans, drained, and one can of corn, drained. Stir in one can condensed tomato soup, and cook until it is hot through.

Turn off heat. Spread mashed potatoes evenly over the top, then pop in the oven at about 400℉ until hot and bubbly around the edges and slightly golden on top. Remove from oven and let stand for about 10 minutes before serving.

That's it. Perfect.

Note: If desired, you can sprinkle a little grated parmesan over the top before you bake it, but we don't do that, since we have dairy allergies here.

Also, I have to admit, tonight, I did not have canned corn, so I just threw in some frozen mixed vegetables. It was STILL perfect. I'm pretty sure this stuff is almost impossible to wreck.


EDIT: Mom said this recipe originally came to her from her sister, my aunt, Eleanor (Gambino) Larsen. Thanx for the info., Mom ~ and big thanx to Aunt Eleanor for the recipe. We sure do love it.

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